COVID-19 marked a new chapter in our society: the popularity of work from home and increase in social distancing and isolation. Although some people are still hesitant about virtual therapy (also known as Teletherapy), there are a number of the key benefits you can expect from Teletherapy with Speech and Hearing Specialists:
1. Provides more Convenience:
Because teletherapy can be done from anywhere with an internet connection, your child can receive therapy when it is most convenient for you. No one wants to wait hours in a clinic, especially parents with busy schedules, and we know how quickly kids can easily become impatient and refuse to cooperate whether it’s sitting in a car for a long drive or in a waiting room while your therapist cleans up from the last patient.
2. Increases Consistency:
Virtual therapy allows for greater consistency. More than ever, families have needed to cancel sessions due to any small illness, thanks to the complexity of COVID-19 and the restrictions it’s brought about. Regular sessions are essential in pediatric speech therapy. Our goals are based on the progress a child makes in each session. When sessions are missed, we lose the opportunity to progress further. Virtual therapy gives us the opportunity to continue working with our clients without wasting time. We have found that the consistency of service made possible by virtual therapy has been an incredible benefit to our children.

3. Parent Education:
Speech therapy may look a little different in its virtual form, but research (and experience) tells us it's just as effective. One of the benefits of virtual therapy is the increased opportunity for parent involvement and education. Our parents can discuss and practice different strategies to use with their children while playing. The therapist can observe the parent and child and make recommendations or adjustments. Parents have reported feeling stronger and being able to transfer strategies better between sessions because they were practicing under the guidance of a therapist. Parents also reported that because they are more involved in the weekly therapy sessions, they are better able to understand how to support their child's development.
4. Technology is Engaging:

Children love technology! New research indicates that children attend better through multi-media online formats. As a result, Teletherapy enables them to make progress toward their functional goals and avoid regression in a way that is highly engaging.
5. No Closures or Delays:
For families who aren't comfortable taking their child to a clinic surrounded by many other people, virtual therapy gives them the ability to get started right away. Some families unfortunately have discontinued or postponed therapy for their little ones in the hope that the current pandemic conditions will improve. If you are frustrated because your child has fallen behind in their communication abilities or lost progress they made from previous speech therapy we encourage you not to delay any longer!
We understand your situation and the importance of finding a comfortable way of providing therapy services as soon as possible. If you are still unsure about virtual therapy, we encourage you to get in touch with us and let us address your concerns!